The Harder & Steenbeck Colani is an ergonomically designed continuous double action airbrush, with pistol grip & a wide variety of needle / nozzle combinations available. The Colani can be adjusted to suit all users, including both right & left handed. The Colani features a Stainless Steel needle & self centering Nickel Silver nozzle.
The Colani features continuous double action, where the air & paint flow are both controlled by the backwards movement of the trigger. The first portion of backwards trigger travel is reserved for air & the remainder of the travel controls paint flow in the same manner as a regular double action airbrush.
The Colani 0.8 comes with an 0.8mm needle / nozzle set, 15ml paint cup & Sturdy, slide lock presentation case.
** The Colani can only be connected to an air hose with a quick connect or quick connect adapter.
Additional needle / nozzle sets of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1.0 & 1.2ml are available, as well as colour cups from 2 to 50ml & a side fitting conversion kit for glass jars.
We carry a comprehensive range of Harder & Steenbeck spares & accessories for the Colani in stock.
As with all H&S Airbrushes, build quality is superb & the design allows for a
very quick & easy tool free strip down for thorough cleaning.
** Please see the "Air Requirements" tab for information on compressor suitability.
For Colani parts or operating instructions (PDF, opens in new window);

The 0.8mm Colani consumes more air than a standard airbrush due to it's larger nozzle size & many low / medium powered airbrush compressor will be unable to provide adequate airflow.
The following air consumption figures can be used to determine if you existing compressor will be suitable;
20psi - 23 L/Min*
30psi - 30 L/Min*
Your compressors airflow rating should be available from the compressor manual or from the manufacturer's website. Should the rating be provided in CFM, multiply the CFM rating by 28.3 to obtain the L/Min rating.
* These figures are approximate & provided for guidance only